Why do we focus over and over and over on the drills!? BECAUSE THEY MATTER!

The little things make up the big things! Slowing down a movement and fixing it piece by piece will give you the result you want! The kids have a better chance of understanding the skill at this pace! Which in return makes me them perform it better! “Just chunking it over” or “just throw it” does nothing but set kids up for injury or mental blocks!

At Adrenaline, you can take your skills to the next level with our industry leading 180 Pro Tumble Academy! We have partnered with 180 Pro to revamp our entire tumbling program. Adrenaline Tumble and Cheer is the only gym in the region that is offering this phenomenal tumbling curriculum.

We offer classes for every age, from preschool to high school, and every level, from the beginner to the elite competitor.

So, whether you are a cheerleader just getting started, preparing for college tryouts or you just want to learn how to tumble, the tumble academy can help with the conditioning and skills needed for success.

Our classes provide tumbling, jumping, and motion training, with classes and clinics that focus on specific skills, such as back handsprings and back tucks, as well as general skills and instruction in performance technique. We offer several levels of classes to ensure the best instruction for each class.

Athletes who participate in the Tumble Academy program will learn to be more self-confident, gain better body awareness, flexibility, and strength in a positive learning environment. The benefits of the Tumble Academy program are so far beyond just the art of tumbling. Our athletes learn to feel more comfortable in their bodies and gain confidence in what they can do with it. Our goal is to help them grow both physically and mentally, not just now, but for the future.

For more information on any of the classes offered, scroll down to the list below.





Prepare your athlete for the next level of fitness and agility.

Our FUNdamentals class is designed specifically for the brand-new tumbler. In this class, athletes will be introduced to the fundamental building blocks of tumbling through proper form and technique. Our goal in this level is to help athletes start developing a strong tumbling foundation in which more advanced skills can be built. Athletes will understand the mechanics the cartwheel, round off, handstand, and back bend. Athletes will also be introduced to skills, drills, and habits that will help them develop core strength so that they can become strong tumblers and all-around athletes. Once athletes are able to perform FUNdamental skills safely and effectively, they will advance to our Bronze level.

Provides a solid foundation in the basic skills needed to progress into more advanced tumbling.

Our Bronze class is designed to teach beginner skills to an athlete who has been in the gym already. Athletes in this class understand basic fundamentals and are ready to start perfecting those skills. Athletes will successfully master proper form and technique in the cartwheel, round off, handstand, and back bend, as well as walk overs and extension rolls. Students in this level will also be introduced to the mechanics of a back handspring. Once athletes are able to perform Bronze skills safely and effectively with excellent technique and form, they will advance to our Silver level.

For students who are ready to learn a round off back handspring and standing back handspring.

This class is designed to teach the proper technique of handsprings. This includes standing back handsprings, front handsprings, and round-off back handsprings. Students participating in the Silver class must have a solid foundation in basic tumbling. Students will successfully perform the round-off back handspring and standing back handspring, as well as gain strong working knowledge of front handsprings. Each athlete will gain strength and power in their tumbling. Students will also begin elementary connections of front tumbling to their round-off back handsprings. Once students can safely and effectively perform all Silver skills with excellent technique and form, they will advance to our Gold level.

Great class to prepare students for solid running tumbling skills and series standing skills to help ready them for progressions through to more advanced elements.

This class is designed to teach the proper technique of a series of back handsprings. Students in this class have an intermediate knowledge of tumbling technique, and a strong understanding of handspring form and mechanics. Athletes in this class should already have a standing back handspring and a round-off back handspring without a spot, as well as a working front handspring without a spot. In this class, we will perfect these handspring skills and work to add a series of back handsprings both running and standing and begin connecting advanced front tumbling skills to their round-off back handspring series. Upon perfecting these skills, students will be introduced to the mechanics of a back tuck. Once students can demonstrate excellent technique and form in Gold skills, they will advance to our Platinum level.

For students who want to go beyond the round off back handspring and standing back handspring.

This class is designed to teach the proper technique of back and front tucks. Though students will not learn a standing back tuck in this class, they will be introduced to this skill, as a good understanding of the standing back tuck is necessary in order for athletes to connect back tucks to running skills. In addition to back tucks, students in this class will work on round-off back handspring back tucks and punch fronts. Athletes will successfully perfect the round off back handspring back tuck, a round off tuck, and a front tuck. Students can expect a good amount of class time focusing on proper training and drills for a back tuck. It is crucial at this point to build strength and jumping ability to successfully master the back tuck. Once students can demonstrate excellent technique and form in Platinum skills, they will promote into our Masters training level.

For more advanced tumblers with advanced tumbling skills.

This class is designed for athletes who have a solid tumbling background and are more serious about learning advanced skills. Students in this class will successfully master the standing back tuck, round off back handspring layout, a series of standing back handsprings layout, jumps to standing back tuck, series of standing back handsprings back tuck, whips, and more advanced front tumbling passes skills. The athlete will begin to connect front tumbling to round-off back handspring layout and will also begin advanced combination passes. Once students can demonstrate excellent technique and form in our Masters 1 level will advance to the Masters 2 level.

For more advanced tumblers with advanced tumbling skills.

This class is designed for athletes who have a solid tumbling background and are ready to learn twisting skills such as half-twisting layouts, full layouts, and double full layouts. By the end of Masters 2, students will successfully have mastered the round off back handspring full, a series of standing back handsprings layout/full, jumps to standing back tuck, front tumbling passes and bounding skills. The athlete will also begin, and master elite level combination passes. Though this is our highest level, we believe in lifelong learning and innovation in our sport. We encourage athletes to continue their training beyond these skills to incorporate their own personal touch and creativity.